A-Z of Injuries

Shoulder - Shoulder Bursitis/Impingement

This can occur due to the subacromial bursa being squashed or impinged between the rotator cuff muscles and the bone, usually during repeated overhead movement.

Signs & Symptoms:

  • Pain or catching sensation on raising the arm up
  • Limited shoulder movements
  • Pain on touching or lying on the shoulder

Physiotherapy aims to reduce the pressure on the impingement by improving postural alignment, relative rest and a gradual home exercise programme to improve function.

About Us

Specialising in expert physiotherapy and acupuncture services we are one of the West of Ireland's premier physiotherapy clinics our physios are all chartered members of the ISCP.

Opening Hours

For your convenience our opening hours are:

8am - 6pm | Monday, Thursday, Friday
8am - 8pm | Tuesday, Wednesday