A-Z of Injuries

Knee - Osgood Schlatters

Osgood schlatters is a common overuse injury to the knee in adolescents between 9-14 years, especially those who have recently experienced a ‘growth spurt’. It is more common in males than females. It is a form of traction apophysitis that occurs on the shin bone.

Signs & symptoms:

  • Knee pain during and following activities
  • Lump below the knee cap (enlarged tibial tuberosity)
  • Pain on palpation of the tibia

Treatment involves relative rest from aggravating activities, advice on exercises to reduce the stress on the tibia.

About Us

Specialising in expert physiotherapy and acupuncture services we are one of the West of Ireland's premier physiotherapy clinics our physios are all chartered members of the ISCP.

Opening Hours

For your convenience our opening hours are:

8am - 6pm | Monday, Thursday, Friday
8am - 8pm | Tuesday, Wednesday