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"I'm only sorry I waited so long before making the time to get treatment."

I attended the Westport Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic recently for chronic joint problems on the left side that had arisen after a car crash injury years ago. I had consigned myself to a life time of chronic problems with my knee and ankle on one side.

I was very heartened from the outset by Mary's thorough assessment and positive approach when she told me matter of factly that she would fix it! And she did! After a course of only five or so sessions, I was back jogging and hillwalking and enjoying the activities that my injuries had prevented me from enjoying for months.

Mary is a professional with real expertise, years of experience and as an athlete and very active person herself, a great appetite for fixing people up so that they can get on with the things that they love to do.

I'm only sorry I waited so long before making the time to get treatment.

Marie Lyons. June 2015